user experience design


In about 4 seconds, a teacher will begin to speak…

Mission Statement

In the past year, I have been thinking more about how to best articulate my design approach. I’ve got a few rodeos under my belt at this point in my UX career, and I’ve definitely developed a distinct approach and philosophy, but I hadn’t really refined how to explain it to others - and especially struggled when trying to pitch this approach to those not familiar with design thinking.

So, like most projects, I started my journey toward solving the problem by first going to the whiteboard:

The whiteboard session culminated in what I would call a “greatest hits” of behavioral design thinking and ultimately inspired a core mission statement that I would apply to any project or team that I would tasked to lead. Looking at the big board, I decided to establish design manifesto that combines the foundational work of BJ Fogg (Design Purpose) combined with the Atomic Habits framework created by James Clear (Design Values).


  • Help people do what they already want to do

  • Help people feel successful

  • Make the above feel effortless


  1. Make it obvious

  2. Make it attractive

  3. Make it easy

  4. Make it satisfying

Why it works…

  • When all else is equal, the key differentiator is always: simplicity - customers will always choose the path to least resistance.

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